Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The flower show

At last for the first time after comin to banglore i went to a flower show sounds a bit girly ..but it was cool, never thought flowers can be this beautiful.....

May be i went to this show to take some pics, but it gave me an enormous sense of feeling that i too is inside the social circle ...

just putin some flower pics which was taken from my Canon S3IS...


Ann Mo said...


Keep up the good work..
Amazing Pictures n write ups..
U shd really put to use this God given talent of yours.
Maybe you should start with write ups(I see a good talent in ur write ups..)n continue to take future u can set up a gallery..

Marvellous..Infact I should Praise God for a creation like you.

To God be the Honour Glory n Power.

May Almighty raise you to higher levels in the near future.

-Ann Mohan

Green Umbrella said...

hey thanks soooo much ANN

നിതിന്‍‌ said...

v good pOttappaaaa